Manuel A. Roxas SHS
Humanities and Social Sciences
Academic Track
Humanities and Social Sciences Strand (HUMSS)
Are you fond of writing? Reading? Justifying claims using valid grounds, hence, critical thinking? HUMSS strand got you covered! The acronym HUMSS stands for Humanities and Social Sciences. Unlike other strands, the HUMSS strand encompasses a broad range of disciplines that dive into the examination and inquiry that utilizes experimental, scientific, and basic techniques for studying behavior and societal changes. This strand enhances students' reading, writing, social, reasoning, and speaking skills; and other fundamental skills needed in taking social-science courses and the like in college. Thus, it's a good training ground for students to improve their self-esteem and be socio-political aware individuals. Someone could bring positive change to our society by studying social science theories and concepts, and that someone could be you! Serve the People and be a #Humanista!