About Manuel A. Roxas High School
Manuel A. Roxas High School is a performing secondary high school located in Paco, Manila. The school offers Senior High School Program, Special Science Program, Special Program in Foreign Language and Alternative Learning System. It is one of the six schools in Manila to provide the Special Science course for selected students.
The first building of Roxas High School was situated in Quezon Boulevard near Feati University. It was established in 1948 and is the first high school to be named after a former president, Manuel Acuna Roxas.
The School has seven buildings - the Main (L-Shaped), Vocational, Maceda, Hizon, Home Economics, SEDP and Administration buildings and three makeshift structures, two of which are temporary.
The Main, Vocational, Macaeda and Hizon buildings house the academic subject classes. The H.E. building is now used by the Science and Technology Department. The SEDP building is where H.E. classes are held. One of the two Guidance offices, the Museum, and EMIS office occupy the Administration building.
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